Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bee Lung

all of the bumble bees line up
their fur pressed gently against the roof of my mouth
honestly, they do taste like honey
wings stretch out
as if this is some practice of nerves
maybe they learn this in bumble bee boot camp
or bumble bee yoga
here they are
knees locked into position 
they prop themselves against my tongue
their feet fastened between my taste buds
leveraging for a correct take off
they wouldn't want to mess this up
I mean, could you imagine if two or three stragglers
were left behind? 
not in a moment like this
they gasp as my mouth opens
breathing my air
light enters in, between my lips
their eyes reflect an ever-ocean of sky
they pay no attention
instead they hold my breath, collectively
as if they share their lungs
they share their lungs
they share it all
are they ready?
their training quickly corrects any mistake
adrenaline takes over
driving every single fiber of their body
yes, they are ready
and like water to hot oil
they leap
ritualistically they tap my teeth 
as they escape

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